Merfish joined Marie Curie Staff Exchange programme Infoday
MERFISH project joined this morning a information day webminar related to Marie Curie Staff Exchanges info session has feature speakers from the European Research Executive Agency (REA), and DG Education and Culture (EAC), as well as testimonials from our current beneficiaries. MSCA Staff Exchanges fund short-term international, interdisciplinary and inter-sectoral exchanges of staff members involved […]
ESR training activity related selenium nanoparticles by plants
The Early Stage Researcher Gustavo Moreno Martín PhD Student at UCM is currently working for 3 months secondment since September 21 related to WP1 Development of analytical techniques for Hg and Se characterization in living at AIA (Pau, France) SME partner in the MERFISH project . Today Gustavo presented his research work related to transformation […]