MERFISH Representatives from CNRS Visit PSA, UK

Two members of CNRS, a partner in the MERFISH Project, crossed the water to visit PSA, UK. P S Analytical is a leading company in the manufacture and supply of instrumentation for the analysis of Mercury (Hg), Arsenic (As), Selenium (Se), Antimony (Sb), Bismuth (Bi) and Tellurium (Te) in all matrices.

IPREM PhD Student Delivers Seminar Based on New Publication.

Khouloud el Hanafi, PhD student at IPREM (CNRS, UPPA) has delivered a ground-breaking seminar titled: “First time identification of selenoneine in seabirds and its potential role in mercury detoxification” based on the paper of the same name ( The seminar was delivered remotely to 22 participants, all from IPREM. The recently published paper “First Time […]

Three Presentations Delivered at Conference in Japan

Metallomics japan merfish

Claudia Marchan Moreno (PhD student), Silvia Queipo (postdoc) and Dr Zoyne Pedrero Zayas, the MERFISH Project Coordinator, recently participated in the ISM-8: The 8th International Symposium on Metallomics, Kanazawa, Japan, where they delivered three oral presentations of multipartner scientific work carried out in the framework of the MERFISH project. All details about the conference are […]

Three IPREM Young Researchers Present at ICMGP

Three young researchers from Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour, Institute of Analytical Sciences and Physico-Chemistry for Environment and Materials (UPPA, IPREM) successfully delivered three oral presentations at The International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant 2022, which took place online from 24th – 29th July 2022 during a special session Selenium-mercury interactions in […]

First MERFISH Secondment in Brazil

Merfish Secondment Brazil 1

Last week, the MERFISH project implemented the first secondment at Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil with two representatives from the Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour, Institute of Analytical Sciences and Physico-Chemistry for Environment and Materials (UPPA, IPREM): Dr Zoyne Pedrero Zayas, the Project Coordinator of MERFISH; and Dr Laurent Ouerdane, the Project Coordinator of […]