AIA hosts Dr. Yiou Mike Zhu from the Norwegian Institute of Marine Research (IMR)


Mercury-Selenium Interaction in European Hake (under MERFISH WP2 ) Sample summary – July 2023 During the secondment in Pau, France, Dr. Yiou Mike Zhu from the Norwegian Institute of Marine Research (IMR) aims to analyse 20 white muscle tissue samples of European Hake collected along the Norwegian coast. It is known that European Hake is […]

World Enviroment Day

World Environment Day 2023 is a reminder that people’s actions on plastic pollution matters. The steps governments and businesses are taking to tackle plastic pollution are the consequence of this action.

Merfish mid-term meeting: Day 2 (20/09/2022) IPREM, Pau.

Fernandos Barbosa and Michael Bank delivered presentations during their visit at IPREM in the frame of H2020 MERFISH project (MSCA RISE). The following afternoon saw secondees, including the PhD students that completed secondments even if the mobility was not directly funded by RISE:  Claudia Marchan Moreno (from CNRS to PSA) Gustavo Moreno Martin (from UCM […]

Merfish mid-term meeting: Day 1 (19/09/2022) IPREM, Pau.

IPREM Merfish

UPPA hosted the MERFISH mid-term meeting this week at IPREM. Speakers included the following topics by PHD candidates and researchers: Day 1 began with an overview presentation from Zoyne Pedrero Zayas discussing the status of deliverables, milestones and secondements completed and planned for the future. Zoyne then presented WP 1. Development of analytical techniques for […]