"Build a lasting research network to answer emerging challenges in analytical chemistry, food safety, trophic transfer, fish nutrition and environmental and human health related to the global mercury issue"
Merfish Overview
Understanding of the source, transport, fate and effects of mercury (Hg) from fish to humans and the detoxification role of selenium (Se).
The project will help establish new guidelines for aquaculture feeding practices to avoid fish contamination with Hg toxic forms and to insure proper bio-assimilation of its antagonist, Se.
Specific research objectives

Combination of multidisciplinary expertness in order to contribute to deal with environmental, health, socioeconomic and food safety issues associated to mercury pollution.

Gather new knowledge about Hg and Se mechanisms in fish and humans

Development of pioneer analytical approaches to study Hg and Se in living organisms

Source apportionment and trophic transfer assessment of Hg and Se in commonly consumed wild farmed fish from Europe, Arctic, Africa and the Amazon.

Advance the understanding of Hg and Se interactions in humans and their impact on human health

Contribution to set nutritional strategies towards sustainable development of fisheries and aquaculture

Combination of multidisciplinary expertness in order to contribute to deal with environmental, health, socioeconomic and food safety issues associated to mercury pollution.

Gather new knowledge about Hg and Se mechanisms in fish and humans

Development of pioneer analytical approaches to study Hg and Se in living organisms

Source apportionment and trophic transfer assessment of Hg and Se in commonly consumed wild farmed fish from Europe, Arctic, Africa and the Amazon.

Advance the understanding of Hg and Se interactions in humans and their impact on human health

Contribution to set nutritional strategies towards sustainable development of fisheries and aquaculture
Methodology for scientific objectives achievement

Training and knowledge transfer activities in the field of analytical chemistry and aquaculture. Special attention will be paid to enhance career perspectives of the participants

Disseminate scientific results in Open access journals and international conferences and communicate the outputs to stakeholders and policymakers of food safety and aquaculture

Development and strengthen of new and lasting research collaborations

Promotion of gender equality in the frame of the network and focus on new generation of researchers

Civil society engagement through information and education to help on gaining environmental consciousness linking their acts with the resulting environmental/health impact

Training and knowledge transfer activities in the field of analytical chemistry and aquaculture. Special attention will be paid to enhance career perspectives of the participants

Disseminate scientific results in Open access journals and international conferences and communicate the outputs to stakeholders and policymakers of food safety and aquaculture

Development and strengthen of new and lasting research collaborations

Promotion of gender equality in the frame of the network and focus on new generation of researchers

Civil society engagement through information and education to help on gaining environmental consciousness linking their acts with the resulting environmental/health impact
Merfish News
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MERFISH Secondments at the University of Chester and Europe for Business

EFB Secondment in IMR : Advance Mercury Research

EFB Secondment in IMR

Exciting New Study Reveals Insights into Mercury and Selenium Interaction in Fish

Marius BIDON defended his PhD thesis on Friday, October 6, 2023 at NUMEA, INRAE-UPPA, Saint-Pée-sur-Nivelle, Congratulations!

Museum of Fine Arts recently offered the opportunity to meet and interact with researchers from the University of Pau and Pays de l’Adour during Heritage Days.

A inside look at the INRAE AquaCulture Lab at Lees-Athas

Association to Horizon Europe – Information Webinar

Aquaculture Europe 2023 to be hosted in Vienna, 18th – 21st of September

Podcast All-Atlantic Talks – Interview with Leonardo Piccinetti

Video Interview with Leonardo Piccinetti (EFB)

AIA hosts Dr. Yiou Mike Zhu from the Norwegian Institute of Marine Research (IMR)


World Enviroment Day

Interviews with PhD candidate Khouloud and Post Doctorate Researcher Silvia.

Video Interview with Milena Horvat | Head of the Department of Environmental Sciences at Jozef Stefan Institute

Khouloud EL HANAFI defends her PhD thesis at IPREM, CNRS-UPPA, Pau. Congratulations!

Interaction between dietary selenium and methylmercury on growth performance, deposition and health parameters in rainbow trout fed selenium-rich tuna-based diets or selenium-poor plant-based diets

MERFISH field sampling in Amazon region

The 2nd ISO-FOOD Symposium will take place from the 23rd – 26th April 2023 and will be hosting a Science Cafe on Tuesday 25th.

Interview with CEO of Advanced Isotopic Analysis (MERFISH partner) – Sylvain Berail

Simple and rapid formic acid sample treatment for the isolation of HgSe nanoparticles from animal tissues

GUSTAVO MORENO MARTIN defends his PhD thesis at UCM, Spain. Congratulations!

First Time Identification of Selenoneine in Seabirds and Its Potential Role in Mercury Detoxification

MERFISH results presented at European Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry

Interview with Prof. Michael Bank

Lessons learned for communication and stakeholder engagement

Merfish mid-term meeting: Day 2 (20/09/2022) IPREM, Pau.

Merfish mid-term meeting: Day 1 (19/09/2022) IPREM, Pau.

MERFISH Project Partner USP Hosts International Workshop in São Paulo

MERFISH Representatives from CNRS Visit PSA, UK

IPREM PhD Student Delivers Seminar Based on New Publication.

Three Presentations Delivered at Conference in Japan

Successful three-month secondment of UCM PhD student at IPREM

Three IPREM Young Researchers Present at ICMGP

First MERFISH Secondment in Brazil

Horizon Europe MSCA Staff Exchanges 2021

New insights into the biomineralization of mercury selenide nanoparticles through stable isotope analysis in giant petrel tissues.

1077 project proposals have been submitted to the MSCA Doctoral Networks Call

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions: €161.5 million to support research and innovation staff exchanges and to co-fund training programmes

Brazilian funding agencies and European Commission sign an Administrative Arrangement to step up cooperation in research and innovation

Merfish joined Marie Curie Staff Exchange programme Infoday

ESR training activity related selenium nanoparticles by plants

Coast to Coast: Nature-Based Solutions for Climate, Biodiversity & People

PRIMA event webinar The Future of Sustainable Mediterranean diet

Zero Pollution Stakeholder Platform and MERFISH

EU Commission adopts zero pollution action plan

Early Stage Researcher at PSA

MERFISH joined Science is Wonderful! 2021

New PhD secondment from UCM